Pink Floyd s-au despărțit oficial

Într-un interviu pentru revista Classic Rock, chitaristul David Gilmour a declarat că Pink Floyd s-au despărțit și nu vor mai susține concerte sub acest nume.

I’ve had 48 years in Pink Floyd, quite a few of those years at the beginning with Roger [Waters]. And those years in what is now considered to be our heyday were 95% musically fulfilling and joyous and full of fun and laughter.

I certainly don’t want to let the other 5% color my view of what was a long and fantastic time together. But it has run its course, we are done, and it would be fakery to go back and do it again. Obviously I accept there are people who want to go and see and hear this legend that was Pink Floyd, but I’m afraid that’s not my responsibility.

And to do it without Rick would just be wrong. I’m all for Roger doing whatever he wants to do and enjoying himself and getting the joy he must have had out of those Wall shows. I’m at peace with all of these things. But I absolutely don’t want to go back. I don’t want to go and play stadiums under the group’s banner.

Gilmour pregătește un nou album, fostul lui coleg Roger Waters la fel.


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10 comentarii

  1. de ce n-au mai avut si ei rabdare putin ? ca-i despartea viata .

    nu serios, faci album nou ,tu fiind branduit sub numele pink floyd de 50 ani?

  2. E 2015, încă se mai vorbește de pe?
    Înainte, pe la concerte mereu era unu cu tricou pf, ala clar era nebun

  3. Îmi plac Pink Floyd, dar dacă e să fim sinceri, trupa nu mai exista de mult.

  4. S-au gabit ca fata la maritat, Robert ;)))!

  5. Eu zic ca totusi mai puteau…

  6. Acum, ca Pink Floyd nu mai este, poate si Fuego sa vanda muzica. Ca tot a scapat de concurenta. :D

  7. E cel mai mare regret muzical al meu – ca nu i-am vazut si eu live (cum au putut sa fie concertele din Venetia si din Londra/PULSE). Chiar si fara Waters, tot ma multumeam.

  8. Daca s-ar gandi si pensionarii din invatamant asa, n-am mai ave profesori de 80 de ani umiliti de elevi…


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